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You've asked for more Claude Carroll, and now you're going to get it! And Claude's going to make sure he's the one giving it to you, too. 10 all-new video clips featuring the amazing bad boy Claude himself. Presented to you in the MuscleHunks way....and you know what that means. Lots of muscle, lots of flexing, lots of toolshow, and a great manhandler hot scene!
At first he was not eager to compete, he was more interested in his career as tiler. Later on he decided to give bodybuilding competition a go. His first competition, the Hessian Championships, he placed last in his class. But he did not became discouraged, he came back a year later and won the 1995 NABBA German Nationals and placed third at the NABBA Mr. Universe. From then Rockel decided that he had the potential become a professional bodybuilder.
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Do not shave your manly, hairy armpits. Frequently I have guys show up for modeling sessions with their armpits shaved. Whoa. This is a bad thing. I hear from models that they are under the impression that all photographers and video companies want hairless men. Not so. Body hair is part of your natural being. Armpits in particular are one of the sexiest parts of a man’s body. From the armpits comes the smell of masculinity sex.
That is why so many porn shoots feature the guys with their armpits showing. Shaving the pits can cause red irritation and bumps that are not attractive on camera. Using some deodorants can cause red irritation that does not look good on camera. Trimming can be done on the set before the shoot if there is too much hair.
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