Top Bodybuilders Training Video Clips

Bodybuilder Malachi Smith hits some poses the day after an NPC bodybuilding competition in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Excerpts from a new bodybuilding DVD featuring national level bodybuilder Armon Adibi who is well know for his vascularity. See more of Armon on MostMuscular.Com

Bodybuilder Greg Davis poses pecs

Bodybuilder James Kohler trains and poses his "Arnoldesque" biceps the day after a Musclemania competition in California.

Bodybuilder Paul Krueger pumps and poses his pecs at a south Florida gym.

Q & A : New to Bodybuilding

Q : Im new to body building but still fairly new to it. Ive been working out for a few months (5-6) now and have put on some muscle but I havent really put on any weight. Im 18 years old and about 5'8 at 167lbs. My goal is to hit 190 or 195 before i start to tone my muscles. Does anyone have any tips they could give me or any at home workouts (ive got dumbells /treadmill /punching bag) that i could do to help me get there? Ive been drinking 30g protein shakes and they help a little but i havent really noticed a differance. I bought Mass XXX (66g protein 990 calories) that i will be taking 2 servings of daily (one in the morning one at night) for a week to see if it helps. I dont do hardcore workouts so I'm thinking it might be a bit much and it will just turn to fat but like i said im new to all this and would really appreciate some help.

A : Well if you are looking to gain weight eating is key, then you have to look at what you eat as wel... dont take that mass XXX stuff that has 990 cals. take a high prteoin low carb shake... also what you said is you dont do hardcore workouts.... if your going into the gym and half ass it your gonig to go nowhere... you need to find some mtoivation and lift heavy and hard. you want to improve your health and bodybuild... we dont half ass it ourselves in the gym

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