Synopsis :: Determined to leave the ravages of war behind, 38 year old Gian Singh (Jimi Mistry) resigns from the British Indian Army to a quiet life. His world is soon thrown in turmoil, when he suddenly finds himself responsible for the life of a 17 year old girl, traumatized by the events that separated her from her family. Slowly, resisting all the taboos, Gian finds himself falling in love with the vulnerable Naseem (Kristin Kreuk) and she shyly responds. In a moving and epic story, woven into a rich and exotic tapestry, they battle the forces that haunt their innocent love, fighting the odds to survive in a world surrounded by hate.As someone obsessed as a child, and who's recently been playing an embarrassing amount of Street Fighter II at a local bar, I can tell you with certainty that Smallville star Kristin Kreuk is not Chun-Li. Or shouldn't be, at least, despite news of her winning the role in Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li. Sure, she's a cutie, and appears to be at least partially of Asian descent, but that doesn't mean she's right to put on the spiked bracelets and pantyhose of my beloved Spinning-Bird Kicker. I have no real case against her; she's just not right. Bette
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
kristin kreuk
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